Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Help The Earth

Image result for earth dayEarth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. In some communities they turn earth day into earth week and have an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues and how we can solve some of them.
In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace, to first be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere.  But it was later changed to April 22, 1970. Nelson chose the date in order to maximize participation on college campuses for what he conceived as an "environmental teach-in". He determined the week of April 19–25 was the best bet as it did not fall during exams or spring breaks. Moreover, it did not conflict with religious holidays such as Easter or Passover, and was late enough in spring to have decent weather. More students were likely to be in class, and there would be less competition with other mid-week events—so he chose Wednesday, April 22. The day also fell after the anniversary of the birth of noted conservationist John Muir. On the very first Earth Day, 20 million people gathered in the streets of America to protest the industrial revolution. An environmental movement was born as a result.
  1. Image result for earth day1.      On Earth Day 2012, more than 100,000 people road bikes in China to reduce CO2 emissions and save fuel.
2.      Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day while he was working as a US senator. 
3    Earth Day Network is the global coordinator for Earth Day.
4.      Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day in the United States. In recognition of his hard work, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award. 
5.      Denis Hayes took Earth Day international in 1990. Today he says that it is the largest secular holiday in the world, one that is celebrated by more than one billion people worldwide.
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 What are some things you can do for earth?

·        Reduce, Reuse Recycle
·        Lighten Your Energy Bill –use less energy
·        Walk, Hike, Ride a Bike –lower your need for a car, find cleaner form of transportation
·        Think Green when You Clean –Cleaning products are harmful for the ecosystem
·        Slow the Flow –save water

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The multiverse Theory

Could there be a world out there where there's another you and me? Where anything can and will happen? Anything that can be imagined happening is and has happened? Or a universe where time moves backwards instead of forwards? And a place where there is no gravity or known elements? Well as our technology and knowledge of the universe has increased scientist have come up with a theory that might explain the universe and how it started.
We all know the big bang theory. Where out of nowhere suddenly an explosion happened that released energy and elements that lead to the creation of the known universe. But that’s as far as we get. No one really knows what happened before then and what caused the explosion and just nothing. Past the big bang there’s nothing. And then the multiverse theory emerged and suddenly there might be an answer. With no way of probing it or testing it scientist find it hard to believe but it actually answers some questions.
The multiverse theory is the theory that there are an infinite number of universes out there that we may never see or be able to reach. According to theoretical physicist and string theorist Brian Greene there are nine types of parallel universe. Quilted multiverse, Inflationary multiverse, Brane multiverse, Cyclic multiverse, Landscape multiverse, Quantum multiverse, Holographic multiverse, Simulated multiverse, Ultimate multiverse.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Unsolved misteries of space and how we get there

Image result for space explorationSince the beginning of human existence we have been fascinated whit our sky's. Early astronomers even before galios time civilizations have looked up at our stars and imagined whats out there. In the middle and late 20th century humans started what was the start of space travel and a start of a new age where instead of imagining we could actually visit space. It was called the space race. During the cold war the Soviet Union and the United States started to "race' or in other words compete to prove who was the better country by being the first to go into space first. The space race pushed us beyond our boundaries. From Sputnik to to Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin being the first man to set foot on the moon and beyond.

Many countries around the world came together and created the International Space Station which is a habitable satellite orbiting earth. Scientist, astronomers, physicists and more use it and other telescopes specially designed and do experiments and gather research on the universe. And now we have set our site on mars. A private transport services company has started a program called SpaceX that will begin sending humans and supply's to mars in hopes that one day we will be able to colonize the planet. We have come a long way as a human race and as we continue to make new discoveries and reaching outside the box we will reach a new understanding of how the universe works and how it came to be. Its all a posses of continually learning in order to solve the mysteries our universe holds.