Friday, February 13, 2015

Solar Superstorms

 You see that picture of the sun on the right? Mesmerizing right? It may be pretty but don't get to carried away the sun can be pretty dangerous when it wants too that's why scientists keep an extra on our sun. They keep tract of "Space weather". Space weather is a branch of  space physics and astronomy concerned with the time varying conditions within the Solar System, including the solar wind, and especially the space surrounding the Earth, including conditions whit the earths atmosphere.
My project this quarter is over  solar flares. What are they you say. Solar flares are brief eruptions on the suns surface associated with sun spots and contain high energy radiation. Solar flares can cause electromagnetic disturbances on the earth. They are powerful enough to cause loss of electrical power over a large region and damage our satellites and power grids that could be devastating for our society as we are becoming more and more dependent on technology. Whit our naked eye we can see solar flares by watching auroras. Auroras mostly occur closer to the North and South poles. As solar wind strikes the earths magnetic fields some particles move towards the poles and cause the amazing light show.

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