Acrocanthosaurus |

This Friday we took a school field trip to Canyon Lake Gorge. I have to say some of the views were just beautiful. The canyon exposes rocks that are over 100 million yeas old. It contains several dinosaur tracks and millions of year old fossils scattered all over the place. On our way trough the gorge we saw two dinasour foot prints. We saw an Acrocanthosaurus, a large theropod dinosaur, walked in two legs and were carnivorous.They could weight over two to three tons and could grow over 41ft long. The other foot print we saw was a camarasaurus, large four legend dinosaur that feed on plants and often swallowed rocks to help them digest and break down plants. They weight over 20 tons and could grow up to 59ft long.

Not only can you see dinosaur prints you can also find hundreds of different fossils that have been there for millions of years. Scientists from all over the world come visit canyon lake gorge to see different rock formations and the millions of year old layers of the earths crust that the canyon has exposed. The canyon exposes faults, bends, and it exposes soil that was formed millions of years ago. Canyon lake gorge is a great and beautiful and fun place for anyone to vise enjoy it, have fun, and learn about the earths history while doing it.