My quarterly project this semester is about global warming. So what is global warming? Well global warming is the slowly raise in the average overall temperature of the earth. As the temperature in the atmosphere and oceans increase the earth starts going trough a serious of domino effects that are hazardous to humans and animals. We as humans have an enormous affect in the creation and speeding up of global warming. How global warming works is trough the greenhouse effect. As the heat from the sun enters the atmosphere it is reflected by the earths surface and what doesn't get trapped in the atmosphere or in the oceans is released back into space. But as our earth gets filled with more green house gasses like CO2, CH4, N20 and other gasses more heat gets trapped in the atmosphere and less heat is released back into space.

Around the world we can see how just a few degrees higher the earth is starting to go trough some dramatic changes. We can see places that are normally dry becoming even more dryer. In some places the temperature has made it to where our crops are failing. Also there has been a series of record breaking storms. Our whether has started to become more erratic. Since the earth is getting hotter the ice in the polar caps are melting and sea levels are rising. We see more floods and a decrease in the population of marine animals that are essential the the earths ecosystem.
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